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A Walk in the Park, Botanicals and their many benefits

Botanicals, not only great for making gin but also hugely beneficially in your skin care routine. 

[Please don’t go around putting gin on your face. Sip it in a cocktail like a good adult should.]

Finding the right botanical for your skin care doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Making gin usually requires anywhere from six to ten different types of botanicals, whereas your skin care routine can easily make huge strives with as little as three—ginger, rosehip seed oil and lavender. 

GINGER—a great source of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. Cellulite? Buh-bye. Add slices of ginger into your body scrubs as an additional boost for troubled spots as it is a power source for aiding blood flow. With over 40 antioxidant properties, ginger can also help with hypo pigmented scars, pimples and is known for slowing the aging process. It’s also a great assistant when it comes to getting rid of dandruff. 

Internally, ginger is super beneficial for digestion, fatigue and a great mood booster. I love lemon and ginger tea in the morning to properly align for the day ahead.

ROSEHIP SEED OIL- the holy grail for aging skin. This beauty packs a punch with Vitamin A and essential fatty acids to plump skin up and boost collagen formation, a great alternative to retinol. It is also high on the list for brightening skin as it’s loaded with Vitamin C, a favorite in my skin care arsenal. Dark spots, be gone. A few of our favorite skin care goodies featuring rosehip seed oil are the Rose + Cardamon body oil and the Rose is a Rose facial scrub from Wild Yonder Botanicals. 

Many believe that rosehips attract health and prosperity so try tucking a few of the fruits under your pillow and see what magic can be created.

LAVENDER—not just a great smell to calm your nerves, it also helps to soothe eczema and dry skin. A wonderfully calming fragrance for chilling you out and luring you to sleep in our Amethyst Body Oil.  Mix a dash of lavender with your toner to heal wounds and cuts quickly and lessen acne. You can also add lavender to your hair products to improve overall hair health. But its signature move is stimulating cellular growth so add it to your favorite serum to reduce the looks of winkles and use it as a primer to plump your skin before putting on foundation. 

Lavender can also be used when calling in peace, protection and cleansing in your household. Spray as a mist around the house in lieu of or alongside sage or Palo Santo.

As there are many botanicals to comb through, I highly recommend taking a walk through your local botanical garden and talk to an employee who can help educate you on the many uses of these beauties and their healing properties. 

You can also scout out your local farmer’s market for specialty made ointments and oils.

Image credit: Carolina Marcella


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